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Thread: 70S front seat springs

  1. #1

    70S front seat springs

    I've been looking everywhere for info on how to deal with "soft" seat springs. The passenger side on my new 70S is, well, just icky! I've taken the seat apart to see how it is constructed. I've scoured the web for info on rebuilding and for parts but with no luck. Surely I'm not the only one with this problem! What can I do to firm up my seat spring!


  2. #2
    Kurt V
    The springs are just like in old chairs, coiled wire springs connected to a grid by hog nose wire rings. Once they begin to sag there isn't much you can do. You might try to find an upholstery shop that can get replacement springs of the right height. What I ended up doing was removing the seat cover and using dense fiber padding to build up the seat area. Just make sure you evenly build up the sides and the middle. When I was done I was quite happy with the results.

  3. #3

    I took the seats from my '70 to an upholstery shop

    They said there was nothing they could do with the springs. What they did was take very dense foam "sticks" and really twisted them and they placed these within the spring area. When I went to pick them up, I sat in the seats and told them "ok, it's alot better. Now can you make them twice as firm as this?" They took them apart again and when I picked them up the next time, they were great. They have held up very well for 3 years now, and they are comfortable. The shop was in San Diego. If you are near there, I will reply with the name of it.

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