All of this talk about 2.2S engines has me thinking about my 1971 911S coupe. I've sought counsel from a friend here whose perspective I greatly admire but he gave me an answer that I didn't want to hear (lol) so I'll open it up to the gallery.

My pop's car that I bought 30 years ago. Well optioned including sunroof, elec windows, fac A/C, LSD, fogs, and of course sport seats which were standard.

Now the poetic justice... original color is Sepia. Changed it to 8080 a long time ago and now considering changing again to of all things... Sepia. 2 big problems: I obviously despise the color of turd and the original tan vinyl is nowhere to be found.

My dad had no love for the car and feels the same way about brown as I do so please don't get all romantic or mushy on that front. I'm hoping to hear a perspective that hasn't occurred to me but at this point I'm inclined to bid adios to Sepia forever and go with a color that makes my heart sing, like Pastel Blue or Signal Orange. Will I ever sell the car? Probably not but one never knows. The fact that I'm even considering Sepia could mean that there's something going wrong with my brain.

Thanks in advance for your opinions.