This link appeared in a thread on something else under discussion.
I hadn't read it before.

Interesting project/goal to revert a storied race car to an earlier more successful incarnation of the RSR chassis.

I can admire the workmanship and ambitious aim, but since so much is now new and / or completely redone how authentic is it to that earlier RSR incarnation? Also how much of the factory work done back in the day to upgrade it to the later Turbo spec got permanently lost in the process too?

To be clear in this post I'm not questioning the chassis #, provenance etc - no intent to challenge that important stuff here. Just commenting generally on what had apparently long survived from the in-period factory Turbo upgrade that might have got erased in this fairly recent extensive project. I get it that those old upgrades were themselves permanent major change to that RSR chassis-- but that originality and authenticity was lost long ago. However it seems at start of this project it still for the most-part had many of the decades old authentic factory Turbo upgrades intended to keep the race car competitive in line with the development direction at the time?

Having worked in professional motorsport I understand race car chassis change! However when I'd finished reading through this particular project on balance it just seemed a pity if much of that "snapshot" from mid 70s factory development of a racing RSR into the racing Turbo evolution got erased; replaced by so much that is essentially new.

I suppose this is just a variation of the perennial: preserve vs full restore debate. Owners prerogative I guess.
