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Thread: jumping ID locations

  1. #1

    jumping ID locations

    I went from, user ID "snowbound" to second ID "Shawn" thanks for helping with cookies to move to the single ID of "Shawn".

    My question is that I woud like to reroute all of "Shawn"' from work computer, which was office to my new home office for "Shawn"at home .

    Sorry for jumping around. I mabe able to figure this out on my own, but your help is greatly appreciated, as always.
    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  2. #2
    Hi Shawn,
    You should be able to enter a new email address by clicking on the "user cp" (user control panel) menu bar at top right of a forum page.

    Hope this helps,
    Early 911S Registry web

  3. #3

    yes but...

    after doing so, I am told that an identity already exists with that email address...which would be my original "snowbound" ID. Let me see if I can delete Snowbound as a user.

    Edit: OK, I cannot remove user ID "snowbound" however, I was able to change the "snowbound" user email to a bogus address. This allowed me to change the "shawn" user ID email to my home address.

    That accomplished my goals. If admin choses to, "snowbound" can now be deleted from host main frame.

    Boy, I have learned alot about p cars and computers on this site...I can never thank you guys enough.

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  4. #4
    "Boy, I have learned alot about p cars and computers on this site...I can never thank you guys enough."

    Gee, I'm not sure that comment about computers was a compliment. But, on behalf of the Early 911S Registry forum and members, thanks.

    Early 911S Registry web

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