Hello Friends....

I thought a I would take a moment to let you know a bit about planned changes at Audette Collection. Simply put, I'm downsizing, mainly by offering fewer products. This will enable us to downsize we're to fewer employees and going from four employees to two, of course all of being me. My hope is that it will help us to increase our service level by reducing the sheer level of activity and number of moving parts. I've always believe that completeness, i.e a full breath of products, is a value-add to a business, a concept well understood by Jeff Bezos. But it requires resources, resources that exceed the ability of one person's ability.

It reminds me of when I was working as a stockbroker. I had somehow managed to acquire over 800 clients which was too many by far. I hired two new brokers, split 700 accounts between them to give them a nice launch to their careers, and concentrated on the remaining 100. It turned how well for all involved.

That's the simple, practical part of it. Another is adapting to what I believe is a Negative Polarity in the United States and the world today which I mentioned earlier. When high winds come up it's important to trim your sails and avoid sailing too close to the wind ( as life-long entrepreneur it feels like I've been sailing close to the wind forever and enough is enough, regardless of the weather ).

I'll keep you posted as things progress (I use that word deliberately).

All the best,

P.S. 5th Annual Spring Sale is underway through Sunday - 20% Off store-wide.j