Well I certainly got mine over the last two days.

Yes I am new here. I am also new and fresh to classic cars and early 911s.

i took the plunge after a long time of lurking on the sidelines and many of my (relatively) young years (I'm slightly older than my new/old 911) wanting a classic 911. I am a car nut of the highest order and have owned quite a few interesting "modern" cars over the years including my first Porsche--a nicely specced and set up 996 C4. To be honest the 996 didn't really light me on fire. It was a good car that did everything right but never generated any major lust, unlike a few other cars I've owned. I really wasn't sad to part with it.

Anyway, my plunge into the world relevant here was the purchase of one of your members' 69 RGruppe 911 T. I came across it on Ebay and was familiar with the RGruppe. I went for it. The process on that started about 6 weeks ago. While waiting for the car to get here, a good friend also happened to be in the market for an early 911. I posted here and another member contacted me and he and my friend made the deal for a 73.5 911T with a 3.0 CIS motor.

I was a little jealous as his car was up in San Francisco and ready for pickup within days while I was still waiting (after 6 weeks) for my car to get here. So he did what any good friend would and flew me up to pick it up and drive back to LA with him. We set off on that trip yesterday morning with me still having only a vague idea that my car was due within the next week. No one told me car transportation is such a vague science.

So we picked up my buddy's marine blue beauty (it was as advertised) and set out down the 101. After about 70 miles, Paul, my friend, turned to me and said "Its your turn". This would be my first drive of an early 911. I whacked out about 200 miles and then insisted Paul took back the wheel of his fantastic new car.

What a great car. Such character and such performance especially considering when it was designed and built. I love the connection with the road and the feel. The 101 was pretty clear and we cruised in the 90mph range most of the way until we hit Santa Barbara. I was smitten and also a more than excited for the arrival of my car. Now I understood what the legend of the 911 was all about--something I never got from the 996.

Then in the middle of the drive the driver of the truck w/ my car on it called me. My car would be arriving early the next morning and I arranged delivery at my office in Hollywood. Last night would have been a long one had I not been so tired from such an eventful day so able to sleep. The drive to work was one of the longest though. Sure enough sitting in front of my office on Sunset Blvd was an 83ft Intercity Lines car transporter with a trick looking Ivory White 911 with numbers and stickers on it attracting all kinds of attention from the locals.

Bobby the truck driver had to jump--Sunset Blvd's finest were beginning to make him nervous--and I hopped in the car quickly with no time for any kind of aquaintance as rush hour traffic was all around. It started first turn of the key and I to a gas station to fill it up. After a nightmare at the DMV registering it (and being denied to keep the OG CA Black Plate!) I then took it home via Mulholland to show the wife. The car felt a little sloppy compared to Paul's and I was a little worried I'd been burned. However, it turned out there was only 20PSI in the tires. I guess this puppy hadn't been let out to play too much recently.

My drive back to the office again via Mullholland convinced me what a fantastic car this was and reaffirmed the legend. Today, I've spent as much time as I can in the car and on twisty roads. On all kinds of pretences of errands and meetings I had to go to I managed to put about 50 miles on it and its fantastic.

So I'm in. A major immersion for me and I'm glad I took what was essentiallly a blind leap in buying my 69. A friend experienced in all things early 911 told be I should drive a few different cars before deciding what to buy. I didn't but I have no regrets. I'm a fan and probably soon to be a fanatic.

I get it...



69 R Gruppe 911T (Ivory White)