I was visiting my Track car at Jeff Gamroth's shop, what a great place to visit, a 959, Ford GT, wrecked Carrera Gt and....... The nicest early car I have ever seen, an Early car with front and rear flares and a 3.8, wow. The coolest thing I have ever seen. Look forward to seeing it in Sonoma.

That same day I had the opportunity to drive Jeff Smiths red rocket, Wow to say the least, it makes my 997 feel like a Honda. Every early Hot Rod needs a 3.8 and big brakes. The car is truly amazing.

I need your help, after Paul and the boys clouded the reputation of my pristine Tangerine hot rod I have decided to keep it. I am adding front and rear flares, big brakes and a 3.8.

I need the following: Front and Rear flares, front and rear fiberglass bumpers, a 3.6, Brembro's, and Turbo 16 inch rear wheels. If anyone has a line on any of these parts, please help. I am planning on starting the project after the Rgruppe event. I will keep you posted on the progress.

Thanks in advance for the help, Special thanks to Tom Wilkinson who foiled the sale of the car so I can continue it's transformation.