Hi Guys,

Right, here's the new thread.

I've reproduced the clock face using the original photos that everyone posted. It's as accurate as it can be. The numbers were a real pain because originally it'll have been hand painted, so no fonts would match and it's all had to be redrawn. See what you think.

Now there are two ways I can make these, it just depends on what everyone would prefer. We make decorative clocks for a customer who specialises in interior design. Our customer mounts our prints onto an MDF roundell and attaches the mechanism from the back. This this makes a clock with no glass or metal suround and hangs from the mechanism, doing it this way I should be able to get the exact style hands. The second way would be to buy the Ikea clock like was previously discussed. I personally think these will look better and a little more finished, but may take a little longer to manufacture. I can make one of each type and take a photo to show?

Let me know what you think,
