Hello from England, as I`ve started asking questions here on the forum, I thought I`d better introduce myself.

18 months ago, after quite a bit of looking, I came across a beautiful 1968 swb 2.0s and only about 6 miles from where I live. The chap who owned her had spent a great deal of time and effort ressurecting her and ... well... I just fell in love. (so did my wife which was lucky )

My first Porsche.

I`m a cabinet maker by trade, handy with chisels, not so much with spanners (wrenches) and after years of experience of my total lack of engineering skills, my wife made me promise that any work needed would be handed over to profesional. Every time I worked on cars I`d always have a few bits left over.... given enough time and cars there would probably enough bits left over to build a whole new car Sort of like the Johnny cash song.

So I drove the car for a whole trouble free year, but as sure as eggs is eggs, things needed doing. Fortunately with the help of friends on DDK I`m a little less daunted by the simple jobs. The support that people like me, get from the early Porsche forums is truly amazing, the depth of knowledge seems bottomless. I recently witnessed a 2.2 engine rebuild, nothing quite like jumping in at the deep end. I turned up in my dirty clothes expecting a dirty day. there was no dirt, just Swiss watch precision, a humbling experience.

Anyway, as I was saying, I`ve actually started working on my car and it seems that just driving these cars is only half the enjoyment. Latest achievement ? Stripping and relining my fuel tank, removing 40 years of rusty crud. Clean fuel has transformed my car, a revelation.

Here are a few shots of my lovely car, the first is an attempt to recreate the photo from an early road test. The colur, by the way is Albert Blue but originally ordered in Dolphin Grey.

Regards, Mike. (Thanks for the magazines by the way, always inspirational.)