are there any songs that you identify with or convey aspects of your love/obsession of automobiles, now or in the past??
I'd like to get an idea from people who put cars together or are involved/participate in
restorations, amateur or professional alike.

I recently found a tune I had heard oh...46-47 years ago!!!
I had something stored in my memories that linked this tune to the experience.
I was 8 or so years old when I noticed the coolest car in our apt building back yard, a formula car on a trailer
that British fellow in the basement (Malcolm ??? no last name) as I was very young and had talked to him only 2 times before never seeing him again and I had to grow up
I had asked where he got the car and it struck me as odd but interesting when he said " Oh I put it together, one piece at a time"
the next time I saw him, cause' I was ALWAYS checking to see if I could see the car again, he was likely packing and moving, he went to a box laid out to the trash and pulled a rusty looking very used 10" inch maybe steering wheel
the kind with 3 size holes in the ribs...and said" here kid, here's your first piece."
later one day, assembling a plastic car model, I heard Johnny Cash sing" One piece at a time" I was REALY infected with the disease by that time

here's a live version of it.