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Thread: where did they land and how

  1. #1

    where did they land and how

    having a chat with my friend he stated in the seventies porsche landed all thier cars in the new york harbour,i thought it was baltimore,also he thinks they had roro ferries from germany -i was under the impression porsche containerised thier cars and roro ferries cam along much later, just curious: confused:

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Burford, ON, Canada
    There are a dozen or so Ports of Entry that I know of along the whole of the North American coastline.
    Porsche Historian, contact for Kardex & CoA-type Reports
    Addicted since 1975, ESR mbr# 2200 to 2024 03
    Researching Paint codes and Engine Build numbers

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