Quote Originally Posted by uptheorg View Post
This thread to me has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous -- what are we talking about? Nobody here seems to know. There is a lot of discussion about semantics and sarcasm, but nobody is learning anything about the cars in question, including the OP Bowzer. He has gotten a few opinions about the original two cars based on scant knowledge and all those opinions seem to agree that an "S" is a better car and rarer, too. Now he is mixing in a short wheelbase car with a long wheelbase car. And it doesn't seem that he has personally inspected any of them!?! He might as well be discussing whether he should buy a late model P-car or a first generation car as far as I am concerned. Sheeesh!
I'm sorry if I have irritated you in any way , it was not my intention, but some learned members here ( in the 911 matter ) tend to love taking the mickey out of people who know nothing about the matter, and come here for advise , so I needed to throw some confusion in the room :-(