Mark Donohue on the Porsche Carrera, excerpted from his (auto)biography: The Unfair Advantage...

"Dr. Fuhrmann had told me once that the car couldn't be broken - as long as it wasn't over-revved and as long as it was shifted correctly. And that was really quite true. They come with Can-Am brakes, dry-sump lubrication, fuel injection, good ignition, oil coolers, stainless-steel exhaust pipes, and a lot of other nice things that only racing people appreciate. They also have all the stock upholstery and instrumentation. Of course, they sell for $20,000 or $30,000, but there's no way we could ever build such a good race car for that amount of money. I always like those cars becuause they could be driven hard without worrying about breaking anything. They're so strong, and so well engineered, that there isn't much a driver can destroy but the gearbox."

And now, here's my favorite part ...

"The Carrera is - without a doubt - the very best off-the-shelf production race car available at any price."

I just thought you'd like to know.