The Rose House (aka- the house where Ferris Bueller's chronically neurotic friend Cameron lived) sold the other day for just over a mil.

Apparently the home languished on the market for 5 years because it was over-priced, needed remodeling, and wasn't "practical" for a family (ok, maybe the steady stream of cars driving by with gawking tourists hanging out of them did play a small part).

This house was Ground Zero for the car condo/upscale man cave concept. The Dream House for those of us who collect cars and love all things Ferris. ("Oh, he's very popular Ed! The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, buttheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude.")

Check out this gem a few years ago from a RE industry writer:

Commoners just don't understand us motorheads.