Russian athlete Vasily Alexeev passed away a few years ago. He was known for training /eating habits that defy description or belief.

Generally nutritionists and pcp's suggest eating 'several small meals' vs. large ones. Apparently, he had a different opinion :

“I really don’t like to eat. I get sick when I think of food.”

Still, he recently managed to devour the following : two chocolate cakes, two legs of lamb, several platefuls of peas, endless kegs of beer, tons of caviar, rice, fruits, roast beef and dressing, and salads of every conceivable variety. The great man was visiting the famed Carvery room of Tower Hotel in London en route to Montreal when he devoured this record-shattering fare.

Recently I had a chance to interview the waiter and several witnesses of the great dining hall and they talked freely about the immnense difficulties in keeping the gregarious man satisfied. According to the chief waiter - “He nearly bankrupted us. Every night he consumed a whole side of beef, several cakes, potfuls of potatoes, beans, puddings, and washed it all down with barrels of beer. I believe I shall never witnesses the likes of such a being again.”


"...a side of beef" ?
