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Thread: Consider . . .

  1. #41
    Senior Member patrick911's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob joyce View Post
    (...) melt our dead body's down to make impact bumpers......
    But I don't want to go on a G-series Porsche... please?
    Member #3508
    1973 911 2.4T
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    "if nothing goes right, go left!"

  2. #42
    Senior Member moito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob joyce View Post
    maybe someday they will melt our dead body's down to make impact bumpers......
    self-healing of course...........
    or even better--we will become -like it happened to the dinos-crude oil....of which our grand⁶childs can again refine gasoline or plastic
    thats what i call sustainability

  3. #43
    Early S Reg #1395 LongRanger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billh View Post
    . . . Like promoting the climate change nonsense on a board that (supposedly) is non-political . . .

    I'm recalling CM's first response to this thread . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Miller View Post
    . . . Consider the position you're putting me in to moderate this off topic topic, to try keep it a-political . . . . But alas, with our intellect and interests comes an almost an equal amount of passion. . .

    The rules are no politics, no religion
    . . .

    I post the things I come across somewhere else . . . and lately try more to limit my comments

    If there are any 'politics' involved, then it might be in my choices of what to share . . . so not always my words. Someone else's --- if I can

    To put it Another Way

    You can respond to me if you like --- but I would ask any Thoughtful Person to respond to what I present . . .

    . . . to consider:

    How much CO2 a gallon of gasoline produces . . . regardless of the vehicle

    The measurable reduction in the number of plants and animals out-and-about --- and what their contribution to our environment is . . . or isn't

    Is it smarter to control guns? or bullets? Cars? . . . or gasoline?

    And when a certain Exxon physicist says that his employer was considering the effects of CO2 on the environment 40 years ago, what would you make of that? (Uhhh --- and I'm not a physicist)

    You can always shoot the messenger. Or? . . .

    . . . consider?

    As for my 'Espo-Resto gas guzzling 911 that emits more than a 100 new cars' . . .

    . . . I try to make up for it by driving a 52 MpG turbo-diesel --- used, of course

    Quote Originally Posted by billh View Post
    . . . Save this post, for it will soon be deleted. Unlike all the nonsense in this thread . . .
    And, yet . . . here you are. I suppose I should appreciate your responding

    Unfortunately, it's usually impolitic comments that spoil threads

    So --- consider . . .

    . . . what would a Thoughtful Person make of your post?

    Thanks for writing

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  4. #44
    member #1515
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    I don't think this thread is political, just a public awareness message. Sort of like the caloric intake label on a food item.
    Although all these articles are meant to make "US" feel guilty while huuuge emitters carry on.

    eg. We are made guilty to pretend that we are actually recycling plastic while Coke and the rest pump plastic bottles out which will eventually end up being shipped to africa from our recycling bins.
    Quiz: How much packaging do you need for Amazon to ship you a keychain?
    I can guarantee that no one will be able to drive a 2023 Tesla 50 years from now.

    '73 S Targa #0830 2.7 MFI rebuilt to RS specs

  5. #45
    Early S Reg #1395 LongRanger's Avatar
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    After Christmas . . .

    . . . = why I have a teeny-weeny plastic tree . . .

    . . . + itsy-bitsy plastic lights . . . LED, natch

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  6. #46
    Senior Member moito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LongRanger View Post
    . . . = why I have a teeny-weeny plastic tree . . .

    . . . + itsy-bitsy plastic lights . . . LED, natch

    this year i went the eco-friendlier way...the red bling bling on the "tree" already went back on the attic to be reused next season and the paper wrapping served to cushion goods i shipped to the US.
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  7. #47
    Early S Reg #1395 LongRanger's Avatar
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    I had a business Prof ask this question, once

    'What's the difference between gambling --- and insurance?'

    His answer?

    'In gambling --- you assume the risk

    In insurance --- you pay someone to take the risk for you

    Well, it looks like the insurance companies are taking an old-fashioned look at their risks:

    And if you live in California? --- the 5th largest economy on the planet . . .

    . . . they're giving that risk back

    '. . . The state that is the most active in terms of climate mitigation policy (, 2022), does not allow insurance companies to account for the increased risk from climate change when calculating premiums . . .'

    I know-I know --- climate, schlimate

    But whatever you wanna call it, the Insurance Companies see what the associated costs are

    And as we all know, economics will trump politics --- and opinions about either . . . every time

    Just wait 'till they get to Florida

    Last edited by LongRanger; 10-24-2024 at 03:46 PM.

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