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Thread: 1969 912 reSee Works Build

  1. #151
    Work in progress , marrying inner handmade aluminum frame to the outer skin .

    All 16 gauge 3003 1.6mm (original steel 20guage 1.0mm

    The 16g alum gives a real nice body structure coming in at 8.3lbs compare to it steel counterpart 11.1lb







  2. #152
    Senior Member Chris Pomares's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    Things are starting to take shape under the hood of the 69 912 POLO car.
    There is a 200F degree BAT thermostat in the middle of the crossover oil lines. The SC thermostat at the passenger rear wheel well opens at 180 degrees. The oil will go forward from there then through the front passenger side cooler. The BAT thermostat will send the oil back to the rear tell the oil temp gets to 200 degrees. At that point the BAT thermostat will open and route the oil to the drivers side cooler. If this works as well as I hope, I’ll do the same to my car. My car the oil sits at 180 to 190 degrees on a hot day which is fine. 200 to 215 would be better. But on a cool or cold day it sits at maybe 140 to 160. Too cool. At those temps the heater struggles to warm the inside of the car, and the water vapors in the oil can't boil out even with lower boiling points at higher elevations here in Colorado.
    As the hood is of super light weight aluminum, (thinner than 16 gauge) it needs more support when lifted to fuel up. So we supper sized a 914 race car hood support. The support snaps in at the back end of the hood when the hood is down. It snaps in on the backside of the strut bar when the hood is up. The support piece is connected to the middle of the hood front to back to not over stress the hood when it’s opened.
    This has been a fun project.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Chris Pomares; 11-12-2024 at 08:46 AM.
    1959 Auratium Green 356A Super w/ Rudge wheels
    1970 Irish Green 914-6 w/2.2S
    Current -1967 Bahama Yellow 912 POLO 2cam4 #1
    Personalized Vintage Porsche's and parts
    I couldn't find the sports car of my dreams, so I built it myself-Ferdinand Porsche

  3. #153
    Beautiful. Love the work on the oil cooler ducts.

  4. #154


    Attachment 629550

    Below: Modifying bumperettes to extend length to reach to meet the underside lip of the deck lid. Left side prior to modification.



    The end result giving a nice tight smooth flow.
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  5. #155
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    Looking incredibly good. Extremely interesting thread. Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures and explanations.
    Especially love the look from the rear. and the work that went into the battery boxes … wow !!

    1969 ex-South African RHD Tangerine 911T .(based: Sydney)
    1970 ex-Southern Californian LHD Conda 911T (now based: Europe)
    1955 Series 1 86" Land Rover (original Australian CKD … very slowly re-building) 1987 W124 230e
    (long term paid up member)

  6. #156
    Senior Member Chris Pomares's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    68/69 Ultra Blau. In person the color is even a little darker.
    I'm having a red S engine shroud made. This will be a S car compared to my POLO car. Mine only has 190 sea level hp. Fireball converted from 3 pin to 6 pin.
    105X78=2.7 liters. If it was a 6 cylinder engine it would come out as a 4 liter. Web Cam's large engine displacement race cam. My guess, 210 to 220 hp. I'm guessing 2050 to 2100 pounds. Antigravity battery and Aluminum hood should save 35 to 45 pounds. It should be somewhat sporty.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Chris Pomares; 01-10-2025 at 06:00 AM.
    1959 Auratium Green 356A Super w/ Rudge wheels
    1970 Irish Green 914-6 w/2.2S
    Current -1967 Bahama Yellow 912 POLO 2cam4 #1
    Personalized Vintage Porsche's and parts
    I couldn't find the sports car of my dreams, so I built it myself-Ferdinand Porsche

  7. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by pgxif View Post
    Looking incredibly good. Extremely interesting thread. Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures and explanations.
    Especially love the look from the rear. and the work that went into the battery boxes … wow !!
    Thank you for following, much appreciated

  8. #158
    Senior Member
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    Simi Valley Ca
    Jon, I have seen some of your work here on a couple of your posts, and agree with others that your work is nothing short of amazing. I couldn't help but notice that this post started in April of 2018 and doesn't seem to be finished yet. Has it really been in the works for 7 years?
    Bob B

  9. #159
    Senior Member Chris Pomares's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    I've been working on another car to get it finished. Over that period I had a heart attack with a triple bypass, 12 months later one of the arties needed stinting, tumors, kidney stones, Covid 2 or 3 times, etc. While that was going on Jon used the car for patterns for a project he is working on, along with all the other cars he and his employees are also working on. Now that he is finishing it up, it will move on to paint. And hopefully I'll get this car done by the end of the year. My health being the determining factor.
    1959 Auratium Green 356A Super w/ Rudge wheels
    1970 Irish Green 914-6 w/2.2S
    Current -1967 Bahama Yellow 912 POLO 2cam4 #1
    Personalized Vintage Porsche's and parts
    I couldn't find the sports car of my dreams, so I built it myself-Ferdinand Porsche

  10. #160
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2012
    Simi Valley Ca
    Chris, so sorry to hear that. Hope all of your health issues are in your past.
    Bob B

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