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Thread: major fraud in the classic porsche business in Germany

  1. #91
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2012
    In a trial involving fake vintage cars, the Aachen regional court sentenced a defendant to a suspended sentence of one year and four months. The managing director of a company specializing in the repair of vintage racing cars was found guilty of fraud, forgery of documents and infringement of trademark rights. Accordingly, he primarily recreated historical Porsche racing cars and then sold them as originals.

    According to the verdict, the man had, among other things, submitted false documents to the road traffic office for vehicle registration. He also attached Porsche logos to the converted vehicles without the company's consent, as a court spokeswoman explained. In one case, he misled a buyer about the vehicle's history. The Porsche company was a co-plaintiff in the process.

    The trial originally began almost three years ago, but was interrupted due to the defendant's illness and restarted in February. The proceedings against two co-defendants were dropped against monetary conditions.
    source: dpa

  2. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by rhegra View Post
    In a trial involving fake vintage cars, the Aachen regional court sentenced a defendant to a suspended sentence of one year and four months. The managing director of a company specializing in the repair of vintage racing cars was found guilty of fraud, forgery of documents and infringement of trademark rights. Accordingly, he primarily recreated historical Porsche racing cars and then sold them as originals.

    According to the verdict, the man had, among other things, submitted false documents to the road traffic office for vehicle registration. He also attached Porsche logos to the converted vehicles without the company's consent, as a court spokeswoman explained. In one case, he misled a buyer about the vehicle's history. The Porsche company was a co-plaintiff in the process.

    The trial originally began almost three years ago, but was interrupted due to the defendant's illness and restarted in February. The proceedings against two co-defendants were dropped against monetary conditions.
    source: dpa
    Full reference to the press agency news: © dpa-infocom, dpa:240927-930-245280/1

    p.s. ... note ... -930-
    Member #2768

    • 1973 Biancaneve - 911 2.4 S/F Ivory
    • 1977 Fiona - 911 Carrera 3.0 Oak Green Metallic
    • 1993 Bellatrix - 964 Turbo 3.6 Black

    I keep a registry of 1972 and 1973 2.4 S coupé chassis. Infos always welcome!!!


  3. #93
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhegra View Post
    The proceedings against two co-defendants were dropped against monetary conditions.
    They paid a fine? Is that how this phrasing should be interpreted?

  4. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by one-two View Post
    They paid a fine? Is that how this phrasing should be interpreted?
    Yes Robert, they did ...

    "Das Verfahren gegen zwei Mitangeklagte – einer davon der ehemalige Rennfahrer Jürgen Barth – wurde bereits nach Zahlung einer Geldstrafe von 750 und 7.500 Euro eingestellt. "

    loosely translated:

    "The proceedings against two co-defendants - one of them the former racing driver Jürgen Barth - were discontinued after they paid a fine of 750 and 7,500 euros."

    Who paid what, I don't know.
    Member #2768

    • 1973 Biancaneve - 911 2.4 S/F Ivory
    • 1977 Fiona - 911 Carrera 3.0 Oak Green Metallic
    • 1993 Bellatrix - 964 Turbo 3.6 Black

    I keep a registry of 1972 and 1973 2.4 S coupé chassis. Infos always welcome!!!


  5. #95
    Senior Member HughH's Avatar
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    who says crime does not pay that would not even amount to a slap on the wrist with a feather given the tens of millions of Euro involved in these frauds
    Hugh Hodges
    73 911E
    Melbourne Australia

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    Early S Registry #776

  6. #96
    Can’t believe someone like Jürgen Barth is involved.

  7. #97
    Senior Member
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    The good old backhander. What a joke.

  8. #98
    Senior Member gulf908's Avatar
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    the 'judgement' handed down in this case is only an encouragement for other unpricipalled people to do the same or worse
    the old case of caveat emptor is stronger than ever . . .

    1970 914-6 - materialised from the 'Lotto' garage into reality
    1971 2.2 911 S - now back in the UK - sob!
    1975 Carrera Targa (ROW) - missed.
    One of us is fast becoming a valuable antique.
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  9. #99
    Senior Member 911T1971's Avatar
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    Verdict done, 22 months prison on probation and 50K euro fine, Uwe Niermann, ex Scuderia M66 Aachen.
    Last edited by 911T1971; 11-26-2024 at 11:03 AM.
    Registry member No.773

  10. #100
    Senior Member StephenAcworth's Avatar
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    That's really not going to dissuade anyone from this kind of illegal activity ... the court's ruling in all instances seems really biased towards the defendants ...

    Quote Originally Posted by 911T1971 View Post
    Verdict done, 22 months prison on probation and 50K euro fine, Uwe Niernann, ex Scuderia M66 Aachen.
    1966 911 Coupe - Slate Grey - 304598 - still in restoration!

    Member #1616

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