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Thread: Here I go again: '74 Euro Carrera

  1. #81
    Beautiful pair!

  2. #82

  3. #83
    Wow, and to think I bought a pair of those in Germany in 2001 for $45K. Had a heck of a time getting $35k for each, landed in the states.

  4. #84
    I just came back from a long weekend of driving with like-minded enthusiasts and crossed over the 6,000km mark on the odometer. The car was fantastic and we even got to spend some time on a mile long runway for some high speed runs. The only change I have made is that I sent the seats to Autobahn Interiors. The Blackwatch was not correct for 1974 and the vinyl was also incorrect so they went in for proper 1974-75 Blue Madras fabric and 'pigskin' vinyl. With the blue accents I really feel like the car has a 'Gulf' livery feel.






  5. #85
    Nice Mike, is your charging problem laid to rest?

  6. #86
    Thanks Rick. Yes, it was the resistor between the light and the alternator that was needed. Works a charm now, and starts charging at 1200rpm.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Love the new interior, well done !


  8. #88

    So after getting stranded a few times from charging issues (now fixed), I've been paranoid about the alternator. As a result I decided to have a voltmeter added. For a nominal fee, I think it came out great!


  9. #89
    Senior Member Gumby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Pine Bush NY
    Mike to bad you did'nt drive it 1 more mile for the NYS inspection = 1974 ;~)

    Looking great

    1973.5 911T
    1974 BMW R90/6
    1986 Carrera, Plan "B"
    1987 BMW K100RS Motorsport
    2004 BMW X3 6 speed manual transmisson

  10. #90
    Perhaps I'm fickle, but after having Black Watch Tartan and then Blue Madras, I decided that the factory sport seats were just too heavy for how I use the car. As a hot-rodder at heart, I decided to take a page from the factory and model the interior after the 1974 Carrera RS 3.0, IROC cars, and Carrera RSR lightweights as pictured here:




    So with some help from the new owner of Vintage Seats, as well as a few parts like rubber floor mats, lightweight door panels, and some judicious deletion, I'm pretty close to the factory spec:






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