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Thread: Interior metal undercoat or satin black paint ?

  1. #1

    Interior metal undercoat or satin black paint ?

    I’m in the process of restoring my 69’ Targa and I have a question about the interior metal finish. Did a search and can’t find anything definitive for a 69’. To me it appears that undercoat was applied to the interior floorpan over Tangerine body paint. However, the back deck appears to have Tangerine paint over undercoat. I’ve been told that interior undercoat was only for cars prior to 68’ but this looks pretty original to me. Any opinions or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

    Name:  IMG_7422.jpg
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    Name:  IMG_7423.jpg
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    Last edited by JFP58; 08-15-2023 at 12:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Southern Ca.
    It's safe to state that the Porsche factory never applied undercoating or stone-guard over body color , someones been working on your car . Copy the tangerine paint and what's underneath . Most of the floor area - seat rail areas , e-brake area , shift lever area and foot pedal area were
    sprayed black at the end of the build .

  3. #3
    Senior Member moito's Avatar
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    119110093 also a tangerine targa pretty much looks like our car.
    and as Richy saied it is more like black paint then schutz over tangerine..even though not much tangerine is seen on this floor pan
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  4. #4
    Senior Member moito's Avatar
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    here`s a few extra fotos of a first paint tangarine 69 coupe
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  5. #5

  6. #6
    Senior Member bob joyce's Avatar
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    your 69 Targa interior light wiring is in a pvc sheath.
    the 68 Targa interior wiring harness was wrapped in tape

  7. #7
    Thanks Richy and Moito!

  8. #8
    Senior Member ejboyd5's Avatar
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    Name:  912 Engine Comp.DSC_0639.jpg
Views: 219
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    1969 Karmann Coupe. Obviously, neatness was not a paramount concern when applying coverage over the tangerine body color.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ejboyd5 View Post
    Name:  912 Engine Comp.DSC_0639.jpg
Views: 219
Size:  106.0 KB
    1969 Karmann Coupe. Obviously, neatness was not a paramount concern when applying coverage over the tangerine body color.

    I see that!

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