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Thread: Porsche Rennsport Reunion 7

  1. #1
    Lighting Specialist jaudette3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Bend, Oregon

    Porsche Rennsport Reunion 7

    THE Porsche event.

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    Rennsport is so chock full of sight, sound and action that it can be over-whelming to those of us who are not veteran attendees. I'm putting together a Rennsport Reunion 7 special promotion at Audette Collection and, among other goodies, I'm thinking of putting together an on-the-ground Attendee's Guide. There are high points that you don't want to miss of course. And there are many smaller things that are easy to over look. Plus, it's nice to put together a schedule of sorts so get the most out of your time there.

    I suspect that the cumulative knowledge of Rennsport Reunion is second to none in this group. I'm requesting that you let us all know about some of your Rennsport favorites. I will give you attribution in the Guide if you wish or just use the material anonymously. Input on your experiences will help others immeasurably in getting the most out of their Rennsport visit.

    Last edited by jaudette3; 09-18-2023 at 10:48 AM.
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