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Thread: Original Porsche 64-68 Keys

  1. #1

    Original Porsche 64-68 Keys

    I am Looking for any Original 911 Porsche keys!. Ignition, Trunk or Glove Box.


  2. #2
    I have a set of door handles (SWB) with locks and matching key, if such a set is of interest to you. regards uwe

  3. #3
    Senior Member haul's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    your inbox is full…is you set suiting a 65?

    59 750 pre unit triton
    63 650 gray silver bikinitub triumph thunderbird
    70 650 astralred silver triumph bonneville
    65 912 slate gray "erwin"
    73 914 ravennagreen "ferdl", swapped 1:1 for a
    10 997 racing green awd „gustl“

  4. #4
    Thanks for the tip, mailbox is now emptied. Here are a few pictures of the parts... everything should be complete for two handles - but please take a look for yourself... regards uwe


  5. #5
    Hello Recarno, can I see the other side key?

  6. #6
    All parts I have are pictured. If you have one key, you can have others copied. If you don't have a key it will be more difficult ;-) regards uwe

  7. #7
    Still Looking for Original Porsche 64-68 Keys (only key with cuts or not cuts)

  8. #8
    Tony Eugeano ( has all of the original key blanks. He just made a glove box key for my early 911.

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