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Thread: Front axle dismantle - where should I place my jack stands

  1. #1

    Front axle dismantle - where should I place my jack stands

    Hi Guys,

    I am currently dismantling my 1971 2.2t in view of the restoration. I am about to tackle the front axle removal/dismantling.

    However I'd like to have your opinion as to where on the body I should have my jackstands placed to avoid any damage on the body. I don't have a scissor lift or a lift.

    My initial thought was to place them under the floor at the level of the door hinge when looking at the car from the side. I would place a 20cmx20cm wood board in between to lower the pressure.

    What do you think of this ?

    Then another question. I will have to transfer the body from the jack stands on a trolley. How many people are required to lift it ? What is the weight of the empty body ? My guess was 6 people.

    I have more experience in the aircooled VW's and I know that for a bug's body which has not floor 2 people are enough.

    Thanks for you help,

    Last edited by 1974phil; 09-25-2023 at 02:14 AM.

  2. #2
    See Post #8

    I use jack stands placed under aprox 6-inch square pieces of plywood at positions C shown in the diagram. Not sure about your other questions -- if you're doing front suspension you only need to jack up the front (assume you have a floor jack?) Place jack pad centered under the front tow hook just ahead of fuel tank, lift and place your plywood and jack stands under positions C shown in the diagram.
    John Schiavone


    356 Cab, 66 911, 914-6, 550-Beck, 981 Cayman, 54 MV Agusta Dustbid

  3. #3
    Thanks a lot John. Now everything’s clear.

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