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Thread: Weber carb removal

  1. #1

    Weber carb removal

    I need to remove my weber carbs so I can send them to be rebuilt. How difficult is it to do as a DIY? 1969 911T. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Scott A's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    South East USA
    It’s pretty easy.
    But go real slow, and try not to drop any nuts or washers.

    Easier, Especially if you use a magnet on a stick now and then.
    And have a stubby wrench, even if you cut one shorter.

    Some of the hard nuts can be reached from the top with a long socket.
    There are some you have to feel your way, just go slow.

    And I should add…your job will be 75% easier if you wear one of these LED headlamps.
    Name:  IMG_3333.jpg
Views: 130
Size:  63.3 KB
    Last edited by Scott A; 09-29-2023 at 06:12 PM.

    Current long term ownership: 63 Cab, 71 911, 74 914

  3. #3
    Removing the crossbar brackets will help with access
    John Schiavone


    356 Cab, 66 911, 914-6, 550-Beck, 981 Cayman, 54 MV Agusta Dustbid

  4. #4
    Thank you so much, great advice!

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