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Thread: Pedal cluster Release spring question

  1. #1

    Pedal cluster Release spring question

    From Chassis no 305 101 (MY67) a release spring (#69) was added to the pedal cluster, for all models.

    Was this an improvement/ update or did something else change in the clutch set up?



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    searching for engine (case) 903742

  2. #2
    The release bearing changed. The spring is designed to keep a constant light pressure on the bearing.
    Early S Registry member #90
    R Gruppe member #138
    Fort Worth Tx.

  3. #3
    Thank you for explaining. Your knowledge always amazes me.

    searching for engine (case) 903742

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Southern Ca.
    Yes , and there was a return spring on the clutch release bearing fork that was eliminated . Porsche wanted the clutch and brake pedals to be an even distance from the floor .

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by edmayo View Post
    The release bearing changed. The spring is designed to keep a constant light pressure on the bearing.
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    Is the bearing where the red arrow points to the earliest release bearing or is that one 356?


    searching for engine (case) 903742

  6. #6
    Looks like a bearing for a 356 with Hausermann clutch.
    Early S Registry member #90
    R Gruppe member #138
    Fort Worth Tx.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by edmayo View Post
    Looks like a bearing for a 356 with Hausermann clutch.

    Are the 2 bearings on the right side (then) the earliest style and correct for a pedal cluster without the additional spring #69?

    searching for engine (case) 903742

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by preS View Post
    Are the 2 bearings on the right side (then) the earliest style and correct for a pedal cluster without the additional spring #69?
    Richard, the two on the right are 67-69 911, 912 and all 914.
    The bearing change began with the 67 S, then all models as of January 67. See page R59 in the factory workshop manual.
    Your upper left bearing (red arrow) is for 356B with 180mm clutch, your lower left bearing is for 356B/C with 200mm clutch, and for all pre-67 911,912.

    Jon B.
    Vista, CA

  9. #9
    I like lessons like this,

    Thank you.

    searching for engine (case) 903742

  10. #10
    The 901 bearing, for pre-67 911, 912 and 356B/C models, is 23 mm from the pin center to the contact face.
    The 741 bearing, for 356B models with 180 mm clutch, is 30 mm.

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    Jon B.
    Vista, CA

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