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Thread: FS: 64/66 sunvisor set with GHE pivots - complete

  1. #1
    Senior Member haul's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    FS: 64/66 sunvisor set with GHE pivots - complete

    I have for sale a
    nice set of early 64/66 sun visors
    complete with GHE pivots.

    The visors came out of a plus 40 year storage from the original owner car.
    The mirror is nearby flawless, the long pivots have some chrome pitting. All cleaned up very nicely.

    The vinyl is without tears and scratches, some minor staints around the pivots. The interiour foam has still grip and is in good usable condition.

    As the two visors had been held together with tape, the indendations of the tape are slightly visable. I have not tried to flatten the vinyl.

    I do need 320.-€ plus shipping out of Bavaria


    best regards

    Attached Images Attached Images
    59 750 pre unit triton
    63 650 gray silver bikinitub triumph thunderbird
    70 650 astralred silver triumph bonneville
    65 912 slate gray "erwin"
    73 914 ravennagreen "ferdl", swapped 1:1 for a
    10 997 racing green awd „gustl“

  2. #2
    Senior Member haul's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    reserved - pending payment
    update: this set is now sold..

    thank you @ESR
    Last edited by haul; 10-12-2023 at 12:16 AM.
    59 750 pre unit triton
    63 650 gray silver bikinitub triumph thunderbird
    70 650 astralred silver triumph bonneville
    65 912 slate gray "erwin"
    73 914 ravennagreen "ferdl", swapped 1:1 for a
    10 997 racing green awd „gustl“

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