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Thread: 67 wiper motor

  1. #1
    Senior Member Chris Pomares's Avatar
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    67 wiper motor

    I've gone through all the threads. This seems to be a little different.
    So I removed the motor to replace the rubber grommets that go through the body in front of the windshield, as mine where hard as a rock. I forgot to unplug the battery and I think the red wire hit something and it popped a fuse. No big deal I thought as I removed the ground from the battery.
    Well after install, what I have are three settings on slow. The fast is iffy as sometimes the motor turns on and sometimes it doesn't.
    What is my best course of action?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member 62S-R-S's Avatar
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    Incredible, when the fuse should've prevented that. Why not try pulling the leads, then individual 12V to one, or other terminal to see if various speeds will activate, or not.

    Chance that it might ferret out the source.

  3. #3
    I think the black/purple may be on the wrong terminal. Double check your wiring.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Scott A's Avatar
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    I had a wiper motor do the exact same thing, one speed and some janky movement.
    I found a guy who added a relay, in a very specific way, and everything worked perfect.

    I removed the radio noise suppressor, so I could simplify the puzzle.

    Are your terminals numbered?

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