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Thread: Price of Sport Kit I and Sport Kit II in 1967

  1. #1
    Senior Member Eric Gratz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Louisville, Kentucky

    Price of Sport Kit I and Sport Kit II in 1967

    Does anyone know how much the Sport Kit I and Sport Kit II cost in 1967? I haven’t seen it on a dealer price list from that era.


  2. #2
    hi eric, look this:



    Name:  u 67 porsche sport kit.jpg
Views: 166
Size:  221.2 KB

  3. #3
    Easy to look up but there was a 4:1 DM to Dollar exchange rate in 1967 as well.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Eric Gratz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Louisville, Kentucky
    Recarno and Jimhuiz,
    Thanks for the information. Seems like a really good deal in 1967 DM and USD. Sport Kit I would be a $400 option and Sport Kit II would be a $920 option in today's dollar.

  5. #5
    Senior Member 68S_SK2's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Munich, Germany
    Hi Eric,
    It's the other way round:

    1DM was 4 USD. The USD was very strong, because of that the German cars were cheap in the US. A Porsche 911 was around 20000 DM in Germany and about 5000USD in 1967.

    Sportkit II 285DM/4= 71.25USD which includes the SportkitI


  6. #6
    In 1968, a Recaro sports seat cost just 15USD extra. yes, those were the days :-)

    regards uwe

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