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Thread: 1983 Fresh Air Motor Rebuild

  1. #1
    Junior Member scottjk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2023

    1983 Fresh Air Motor Rebuild

    I'm rebuilding my fresh air motor assembly. I found one of the wires on the thermo bi-metal switch broken. Wondering if it's repairable.

    I'm backdating to a 1973 dash with a Rennline unit. My current climate controls are dual knobs side by side controls. One for flow and one for fan speed. The 73 only has the combined single to control both functions. I just looked at Griffiths digital switch to replace the A/C evap motor switch. Got me wondering why I couldn't do the same thing for the fresh air vent. I could mount the new rotary fan switch next to the Rennline backdated billet climate control panel.

    I'm also looking for the round replacement baffles inside the blower unit that regulate flow. Can't find part number. Rebuilt a blower box in my 1985 Westfalia years ago with some rubber foam that REAKED for years after. Don't want to make the same mistake twice.

    Also, what are the springs things attached to the fan blades at two positions?


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  2. #2
    Senior Member 30westrob's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    SE Pennsylvania
    A lot of parts for the system can be found at, The clips on the fan blades are for balance. I would not remove them. Rob

  3. #3
    Junior Member scottjk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2023
    Found them on 914rubber. Thanks for the information!

    Quote Originally Posted by 30westrob View Post
    A lot of parts for the system can be found at, The clips on the fan blades are for balance. I would not remove them. Rob

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