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Thread: using 5 gallon oil bottles

  1. #1

    using 5 gallon oil bottles

    I'm using a 5 gallon oil jug for the first time this upcoming oil change - any good funnels or other tips?
    73 911S Targa

  2. #2
    Senior Member jim amato's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    n.e. ohio
    Pour from 5 gallon container into a 1 gallon jug, Then pour from 1 gallon into engine, otherwise to hard to have a "controlled pour".
    registry #2072

  3. #3
    oops - 1 gallon is what I have!!
    73 911S Targa

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    SF Bay Area
    You can go right from the 5 quart size easily if you get the right funnel. Recommend this one:

    You have to steady the funnel with your one hand, and pour with the other. Easy to stop and start without spilling.
    - 1969 911T Ossi Blue #3981

  5. #5
    ordered that funnel last night - will be using it this weekend -- thanks!!
    73 911S Targa

  6. #6
    Bob, Might be faster and easier to just use a transfer pump.

    Fewer buckets, no funnels, no mess (hopfully)
    Brad Davis
    RGruppe #691
    Early 911S #1547

  7. #7
    So my typo was 5 gallon - actually I got 5 quart containers. First time using them, I used the funnel recommended by TheTorch. Valvoline VR1 20W-50. Much easier than 10 1 quart containers!
    73 911S Targa

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