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Thread: Rally Horns

  1. #1

    Rally Horns

    Hi all, I mostly lurk around the forums as I have more to learn than to contribute, but I have a question I can't find a good answer to. I'm hoping someone can chime in (no pun intended) on this subject.

    I'm putting the finishing touches on my 1970 911 ST recreation project, and I want to start adding some rally accessories.

    What horns or combination of horns would have possibly been used on this era rally cars? Were the factory pair of Bosch snail horns sufficient, or did team upgrade to louder horns or combinations of different high / low tones?

    I read that the 1967 Monte Carlo rally car also had a PASSENGER FOOT SWITCH so the navigator could sound the horn to clear spectators off the course. This sounds like a fun feature to add. Does anyone have photos or information about this setup, or know what type of switch would have been used for this function? I remember some early American cars had a headlight hi/low switch that was activated with the driver's left foot. I'm imagining a similar setup with a momentary switch in the passenger's floorboard.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Northern VA
    Floor mounted horn button: I believe it was a hi-low dimmer switch from a 356a.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Scott A's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    South East USA
    This is a 67 or 68 Monaco rallye car.
    The horn is circled on the floor
    Name:  IMG_3574.jpg
Views: 127
Size:  70.2 KB

    Name:  IMG_3575.jpg
Views: 128
Size:  107.3 KB

    Current long term ownership: 63 Cab, 71 911, 74 914

  4. #4
    Thanks to you both for the info, I’ll look into the 356 light switch.

    Any thoughts on horns to use, or combinations of horns? Or should I just run the originals?

  5. #5
    Name:  IMG_7822.jpg
Views: 102
Size:  113.8 KB

    Here’s my ST, side stripes are being cut and Cibie bi-odes are on the way from John Audette, still a lot of details to tend to but I’m excited to have her on the road!

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