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Thread: FS: 1968 911L 73RS tribute

  1. #1

    FS: 1968 911L 73RS tribute

    120K USD. Possible partial trade up/down FSD model X plaid. F430 or 458. G wagon excavating equipment

    1968 911L
    Tangerine orange
    New paint
    Lots of new parts
    Light weight tribute
    Engine:2.7 CIS from a 77S
    Gear box: 915 from a 77S
    Front and rear suspension: from a 77S
    All new wire harnesses. 8 total including the tunnel.
    Classic retrofit fuse panel
    All metal except for front bumper, rear bumper and deck lid.

    New light weight carpet, headliner, red3 point harness and new adjustable RS light weight seats going in Wednesday.
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    Last edited by Rex1968s; 11-27-2023 at 01:12 PM. Reason: Add price

  2. #2
    Very nice. If you don't mind my asking, where did you get the adjustable RS seats? I wasn't aware that anyone made those.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ibmiked View Post
    Very nice. If you don't mind my asking, where did you get the adjustable RS seats? I wasn't aware that anyone made those.

    Local guy that bought a lot of parts from an estate I believe. I had to pay up for them.

  4. #4
    Fresh pics
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