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Thread: Transmission Question

  1. #1

    Transmission Question

    I have decided to install a Wevo XT-328 trans side cover…( beefed up for 2.5 torque)
    Having never worked on a trans before ( maybe the only part I never restored or worked on)
    My question is whats involved in removing the original and installing this new side cover
    Special tools, process etc …
    My transmission was rebuilt 2years ago and has not been installed yet so its all accessible.
    Thanks for guidance
    73.5 Snrf T
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    Searching for transmission 7115322 (911/01)

  2. #2
    Frank, you need to reestablish differential carrier bearing preload and ring-to-pinion backlash. Both are pretty well described in the factory WSM. Let me know if you have any questions, though.

    You should need to fiddle with only the S1 (ring gear side) shim, since you are replacing only the cover plate. Measuring preload precisely isn't possible with the ring gear on the differential, because you'll get drag from the pinion shaft bearings. However, I suspect that if you get the backlash right, you will have the shimming also correct for preload. Alternatively, you could measure the as-is turning torque (original cover plate) and, assuming that was done correctly, look to reproduce it with the new cover plate.
    Last edited by catelluseng; 11-11-2023 at 07:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Thanks for providing a great overview of process …
    Now to get after it
    73.5 Snrf T
    71 Snrf T
    70S targa
    76 914 2.0
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    60 Lancia Appia Zagato GTE
    Searching for transmission 7115322 (911/01)

  4. #4
    Senior Member 911quest's Avatar
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    Make sure you get the correct bearing. The aftermarket side covers use a diffent bearing.
    Tony Proasi

    52 split window coupe

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 911quest View Post
    Make sure you get the correct bearing. The aftermarket side covers use a diffent bearing.
    Good point! They use the 90 mm "930" bearing rather than the original 80 x 50 mm bearing.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    What transmission do you have ? I think the side cover pop-off value is more meaningful than the preload torque . New or used bearings are not the same as bearings from 50 years ago , Chris7 [Rest In Peace] thought the same thing .
    If the manuel preload torque values are used with new bearings , the preload will be too much .

  7. #7
    Mine is late 70 …7701268
    What is suggestion for preload torque value ?
    thanks guys
    Last edited by 71gold; 11-14-2023 at 03:50 AM.
    73.5 Snrf T
    71 Snrf T
    70S targa
    76 914 2.0
    82 Targa,
    85 Alfa GTV6
    60 Lancia Appia Zagato GTE
    Searching for transmission 7115322 (911/01)

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Richy View Post
    What transmission do you have ? I think the side cover pop-off value is more meaningful than the preload torque . New or used bearings are not the same as bearings from 50 years ago , Chris7 [Rest In Peace] thought the same thing .
    If the manuel preload torque values are used with new bearings , the preload will be too much .
    If you're talking about gapping the cover-to-case, it is unreliable. You cannot get stable, consistent numbers and you're limited to guesswork with feeler blades. Turning torque is reliable, repeatable, and is what the bearing manufacturers recommend. I don't know what you mean by saying bearings are not the same as 50 years ago -- what has changed?

  9. #9
    Seems all typical Vendors are out of stock ….
    Anyone have access or knows of vendor who has one in stock
    73.5 Snrf T
    71 Snrf T
    70S targa
    76 914 2.0
    82 Targa,
    85 Alfa GTV6
    60 Lancia Appia Zagato GTE
    Searching for transmission 7115322 (911/01)

  10. #10
    Frank, If you have a Magnesium case this looks to be in stock. Aluminum cases use a different side cover.

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