Clyde Boyer
1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)
Early S Registry Member #294
First Aussie R Gruppe Member #366
TYP 901 Register Inc #6
Early High Butterfly gusseted steel intake funnels. These were polished and cad plated by Tru6. Thank you Shaun!
Peter D
1968 T Coupe RHD
1973 E Targa RHD
1972 E Coupe (sold)
1974 BMW 3.0cs (sold)
Early S Registry Member #2764
TYP 901 Register #233
Tru6 Restoration & Design
69S Targa, Velvet Green
73T Coupe, Gemini Blue
Early S Registry #1462
Peter, you have been so very patient and kind, I appreciate it. I now have 6 grilles total with customer cars in the same boat as you, all of them have sent pics of their cars, like John did for his mirror, that they really do need their parts. The number of times I jump from fire to fire for customers to absolutely have to have their parts is one reason I am so late on other parts. Here's a funny story.
I did an entire car of anodizing, every single piece a few years ago. Customer was very nice but relentless on needing their parts. I jumped them in front of another customer that confirmed they aren't in dire need. I got it all done, customer was local, they picked it up but in the loading process we forgot the door glass. I let them know after they left. Any idea when they came by to pick it up? 6 months later. This happens a lot.
Got pics the other day of one of the grille cars, it's done and ready for final assembly, finally got his door handles built for him (these take forever to build...5 hours into this pair), his grille is next with yours and many others after I get 2 door frame sets done and a backlog of cadmium stripped and tumbled to the plater. Thank god I'm nearly done with the Amelia cars.
Tru6 Restoration & Design
69S Targa, Velvet Green
73T Coupe, Gemini Blue
Early S Registry #1462
Clyde Boyer
1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)
Early S Registry Member #294
First Aussie R Gruppe Member #366
TYP 901 Register Inc #6
Hate to say this but.Looks like Shaun does very good work,but take a lifetime to do.If you can't wait go somewhere else.That is why when I just recently sold my car for far far more than it was worth.I didn't post it here....way way to much BS.Life is way to short.