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Thread: WARNING - Tru6 Restoration (with business reply)

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Shaun 69 E View Post
    OK, I can either refund you or finish your grille in about 3 weeks. Just let me know.
    I'll take the refund thank you, as I suggested I don't believe it will ever get done.

    paypal is and in case you can't find it I paid you $1800 USD in April 2021.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

    Early S Registry Member #294
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  2. #22
    Senior Member Simonjjb's Avatar
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    Fraud in my opinion requires intent and poor business practices don't necessarily equal fraud. In any case, sounds like you are getting your money back. Is that Fraud? Not in the US.
    1968 911L Coupe - Golden Green
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  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Simonjjb View Post
    Fraud in my opinion requires intent and poor business practices don't necessarily equal fraud. In any case, sounds like you are getting your money back. Is that Fraud? Not in the US.
    Intent to take my money and not do the work in a timely manner 2 years 4 mths and counting....does that not qualify?

    In regards to the refund not holding my breathe there either, and in any event I am out the original cost of the grille I purchased to sent to Tru 6 so no matter what happens I lose.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOYER73S View Post
    Intent to take my money and not do the work in a timely manner 2 years 4 mths and counting....does that not qualify?

    In regards to the refund not holding my breathe there either, and in any event I am out the original cost of the grille I purchased to sent to Tru 6 so no matter what happens I lose.
    Clyde, just let me know the cost of the grille you bought and sent here and I'll add that to the refund.
    Tru6 Restoration & Design
    69S Targa, Velvet Green
    73T Coupe, Gemini Blue
    Early S Registry #1462

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by BOYER73S View Post
    What a load of crap. I for one was unaware of Shaun's prior history, took him on face value only to be defrauded.

    How he is permitted to advertise in our magazine if this is a known issue is beyond my comprehension.

    To be told several times, in writing, in the past 18 mths that my work will be finished in the next week or so is just plain lying, simple as that.

    I have a plan Shaun, stop taking new work and say no to to those line jumpers so you can help the people who have trusted you and stop lying!!

    The tyranny of distance has saved Shaun from some Aussie justice.
    Hi Clyde,

    I will apologize. I went to locate the threads from the past (several of which I commented on) and they have been removed both here and on the Bird. They do not appear in my history even. Seem like the "FEELINGS" police remove anything that might make someone feel bad, even if it is the truth. So I guess it is impossible to have known what is going on with certain vendors.

    My Bad.


    Assume this thread will also be removed soon.
    1966 911 #302694

  6. #26
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    Joe, the threads are gone because the original posters asked them to be taken down. Matthew who started this thread has already said when he gets his Ford grille he will ask Early S to delete it. I'm ordering rivets for the headlight bucket mounts this morning so it will be ready this week.

    And it's important to note that with the exception of 911 decklid grilles, I am caught up. Cadmium plating never gets behind, that is monthly, though the recent changeover to the new vendor was horrible. Fans & housings in either Cerakote or etched as original in"1973" are typically one month, chrome is mostly depended on my chrome shop after the back and forth on fit and finish, and anodizing window frames are up to date. I'm delivering 5 sets this month, 1 for a factory ST and 2 to Porsche Factory Classic Restoration along with a grille for a 70 S.
    Tru6 Restoration & Design
    69S Targa, Velvet Green
    73T Coupe, Gemini Blue
    Early S Registry #1462

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Dexterpix View Post
    Hi Clyde,

    I will apologize. I went to locate the threads from the past (several of which I commented on) and they have been removed both here and on the Bird. They do not appear in my history even. Seem like the "FEELINGS" police remove anything that might make someone feel bad, even if it is the truth. So I guess it is impossible to have known what is going on with certain vendors.

    My Bad.


    Assume this thread will also be removed soon.
    All good Joe
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

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  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Shaun 69 E View Post
    Clyde, just let me know the cost of the grille you bought and sent here and I'll add that to the refund.
    The grille was $335 USD inc shipping from John.

    If and when you ever complete the grille I am sure you will be able to re coop my refund I know of one friend who would be super keen for the 68 grille but I am loathe to refer him for obvious reasons.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

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  9. #29
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOYER73S View Post
    The grille was $335 USD inc shipping from John.

    If and when you ever complete the grille I am sure you will be able to re coop my refund I know of one friend who would be super keen for the 68 grille but I am loathe to refer him for obvious reasons.
    That's a decent price for a 3-bar grille and it was in really good shape. You wouldn't believe what I'm getting in these days to restore. OK, so you paid $1800 to include shipping + $335 for the grille is $2135. I rounded up to $2200 to account for paypal fees so you should right now have an email saying you got $3084.79 AUD.

    It will still be done before I go to Porsche in 3 weeks or so.
    Tru6 Restoration & Design
    69S Targa, Velvet Green
    73T Coupe, Gemini Blue
    Early S Registry #1462

  10. #30
    Shaun has refunded me for my initial payment and for the cost of the grille and some fees. Thank you. Sad it came to this.

    If your brave Shaun has a 68 grille he may want to sell which he says will be finished in "around 3 weeks", his words not mine.

    An Aussie friend will be in touch Shaun but I think it will be payment upon completion.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

    Early S Registry Member #294
    First Aussie R Gruppe Member #366
    TYP 901 Register Inc #6

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