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Thread: 1969 911 S Targa restoration

  1. #1

    1969 911 S Targa restoration

    I'm currently restoring a 1969 2.0S 911 Targa and I'm having a hard time with the Targa seals. I hope you could help to answer few questions:

    - Left/Right Targa top frame seal: as I'm restoring a 69, I wanted to use the early type (thinner one, see picture below), but few people are recommending the later type (thicker). I just wonder 1/ if the latter type really fits 2/ if the upgrade is really worth it (better water/sound insulation)?

    - Targa Windshield frame to top shield (front seal): the 69 type has 2 two copper elbow pipes (see pic below) that are directly entering in the windshield pillar. I assume it is for water evacuation, but I really find it weird, as the inside of the pillar will be exposed to water… Am I missing something like a pipe linkage in the windscreen pillar? Should I block that hole and not use copper pipes? Should I use a later seal type?

    Left/Right Targa top frame seal:

    69 type:

    Name:  1.png
Views: 162
Size:  169.3 KB

    Latter type:

    Name:  2.png
Views: 154
Size:  176.6 KB

    Targa Windshield frame to top shield (front seal)

    69 type:

    Name:  3.png
Views: 152
Size:  532.4 KB

    Latter type:

    Name:  4.png
Views: 154
Size:  152.9 KB

    Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    Do not throw away your old seals, you need to carefully look at the subtle cuts that were made on them. Second call Dan Pechtel at "Cars Inc" , he even makes the correct seal for early cars.
    Early S Registry member #90
    R Gruppe member #138
    Fort Worth Tx.

  3. #3
    Thanks a lot edmayo,
    Unfortunately, my 69 was in really bad shape before restoration, so the seal were either not correct at all or not present.
    I already sent a message to Dan Petchel, waiting for his answer

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