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Thread: FS: 1965-68 Deck Lid Grille

  1. #1

    FS: 1965-68 Deck Lid Grille

    1965-68 deck lid grille, OG not restored, super nice one out of my stash, no bent slats, mesh & all mounting studs tact, no serious gouging or scratches. $985 + shipping
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    Too many Porsches and one VW are starting to fill up my desert landscape.

  2. #2
    Mint grille back TTT

    Too many Porsches and one VW are starting to fill up my desert landscape.

  3. #3
    Original grille TTT.

    Too many Porsches and one VW are starting to fill up my desert landscape.

  4. #4
    SWB grille still available.

    Too many Porsches and one VW are starting to fill up my desert landscape.

  5. #5
    Grille to the top.

    Too many Porsches and one VW are starting to fill up my desert landscape.

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