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Thread: I think this Gearbox doesn't belong in my car

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2024

    I think this Gearbox doesn't belong in my car

    Hey folks, I wish I had a 911 S, but I'm over here in the 912 camp (wah wah) ...I just joined your forum to pick your brains, perhaps I will pick up a 911 SWB one day, but right now I have a 66 912 Sunroof coupe which according to my Kardex has the wrong 5 speed. Its a 5 speed, works great but I think its not correct, Car will be on a lift soon but so far the stamping is D 103298 , this kinda matches your registry on 1967 gearbox's Got any idea? I will get some more info when I can access the stampings. Take Care- Dave
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  2. #2
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    Over here in this forum now Oella....

    Welcome, nice car, and good luck in your inquiry
    Chuck Miller
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  3. #3
    You should have a 902/1 box marked on the bottom of the box and then a serial number just to the right of the type numbers.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    If you have a D preceding the serial # it is most likely KD denoting a replacement gearbox. In this case it could have been a replacement for the failed original. This may be marked on some Kardex. Usually the replacement is recorded when it is replaced under warranty, but I have seen it recorded even a few years after warranty has expired. In this case it may not be the original type but often there is little difference in the ratios.
    Porsche Historian, contact for Kardex & CoA-type Reports
    Addicted since 1975, ESR mbr# 2200 to 2024 03
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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2024
    Circling back- Its KD 103298, 911S gearbox circa 1967? maybe , I got under car the other day to verify, replacement 351005 Kardex.jpg not indicated on Kardex but dealer in USA may not have recorded it on second owner, could of happened early in its history while owned by Soder, B Wagner, of Frankfurt serviced by no other than the Otto Glockler Dealer in Frankfurt. Anyway, this good running gearbox, just drained the swepco in it and replaced with new 2 weeks ago is avail for sale or trade, as we plan to restore this car to original period correct parts this winter. If you got an early SWB 911 S needing a period correct 5 speed, this may be a good fit, its not required for said 912. I'd be better off with a 902/1 2232XX 5 gang. thoughts, comments welcome.

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