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Thread: WTB: Electromotive XDi (possibly Clewett)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
    SF Bay Area

    WTB: Electromotive XDi (possibly Clewett)

    Looking for single plug setup. I realize it’s a gamble given they are no longer available/supported, but thought I’d throw it out there in case someone has a complete kit that won’t be used.
    2nd choice would be a Clewett kit if you are looking to go a different direction.
    PM’s only.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Interesting to see this active URL…

    Hope you find your set-up!
    Peter Kane

    '72 911S Targa
    Message Board Co-Moderator - Early 911S Registry #100

  3. #3
    Some of these businesses may still have stock?
    Peter Kane

    '72 911S Targa
    Message Board Co-Moderator - Early 911S Registry #100

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
    SF Bay Area
    Thanks. Went down the list with no luck. Still looking.

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