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Thread: Complete 2.4S MFI setup

  1. #1

    Complete 2.4S MFI setup

    Up for sale is a complete Porsche MFI setup with rebuilt 2.4S pump and throttle bodies. The pump is stamped 2.7 but the numbers on the pump indicate it’s 2.4S. I do not know who went through the pump, asking 10k let meKnow if you need any more info

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  2. #2
    Senior Member NorthernThrux's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    London, Ontario, Canada
    Nice set. It looks like an August ‘72 pump that was restamped to 013 (last digit is definitely an overstamp), which was a ROW 72/73 911S pump. Only way to know what it is set up for (2.4 or 2.7) is to measure the fueling on the bench or check the space cam part number. Without that, its a lot of money to spend on an unknown quantity.

    The EP RLA 1/41 R seems correct for a 911S regulator.

    Early 911S Registry # 2395
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  3. #3
    and the shut off solenoid is also from 72/73 models 0330 101 016 think it was the same for all MFI cars 72/73 but certainly a lot of re stamping going on on that pump.

    The buyer does point out that is was rebuilt but be nice to 100% confirm it was an S pump to start with which I doubt it was as definately an overstamp to get the 3 on the end and can't tell what is underneath even after blowing up a pic.

    It can only be 014 or 015 as only the end number is modified and only 3 x 72/73 pumps finish in 01 something.
    Last edited by BOYER73S; 12-23-2024 at 09:52 PM.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
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    Early S Registry Member #294
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  4. #4
    Thanks for the info guys! Bumping this one open to offers.

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