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Thread: BC/Vancouver/Vancouver island trip

  1. #1
    Senior Member dirk07's Avatar
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    Stuttgart, Germany

    BC/Vancouver/Vancouver island trip

    Happy new year.

    finally, after having canceled our trip 2020 and 2022 due to COVID restriction, our trip will take place end of August.
    We will arrive in Vancouver and will depart from Portland three weeks late.

    Actually we are planning our trip.

    In the first two weeks we are going to visit BC.

    We are interested in nature, art, basketball and cars and donīt like tourist spots.

    Which places should we visit and which are too much crowded tourist traps.

    We are going to start our trip with 2 nights at Vancouver. Hotel? Enough for Vancouver?

    We would love to rent a camper. one week or 10 days?

    Best beach spot to sleep 2-3 nights?
    How long best to stay at Vancouver island?
    How far north should we go?

    After two weeks we are heading south to Portland and Oregon coast.
    Is Seattle worth a Stop?

    Looking forward for your tips.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    May 2013
    Victoria BC Canada
    Happy New Year Dirk,

    I live in Victoria and can offer some quick thoughts...

    Two nights might not be enough for Vancouver, it's a big city with lots going on, it's spread out but the transportation system is quite good. The downtown area is surrounded by water with good walkways, fine art gallery, good restaurants, major park... across into North Vancouver are some mountain recreation areas that are very beautiful.
    Whistler mountain is a little further up the Sunshine coast, worth researching the outdoor recreation possibilities.
    There is a ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, from there you could drive across the island, through Port Alberni and Cathedral Grove (amazing wilderness park) to Tofino (a bit touristy, but spectacular nature). Drive back through Nanaimo South to Victoria, nice areas to explore here, lots of old cars around in the summer. If you have a camper you could also tour around the Gulf Islands, ferries travel between them and the Swartz Bay terminal just north of Victoria. (verify campsite availability, it gets booked up all over BC)

    Leaving Canada from Victoria is best by taking the Coho Ferry across to Port Angeles Washington on the Olympic Peninsula, easy nice drive and another ferry gets you to Seattle, (but you might want to explore the peninsula before heading into the city). I think you might want a couple nights in Seattle, driving can be challenging there, but there is lots to see, and they have an NBA franchise (Sonics... no idea about basketball schedule), also baseball and football teams.
    There is a major highway to get you to Portland, but heading back to the coast and taking highway 101 would be a nicer experience for sure. Portland also has an NBA team, plus lots of other things going on, I've been there a number of times and always find lots to do and see.

    Here are a few links to check out for travel, and car events:

    I hope this helps a little, I can expand more if you have any other questions. The Pacific Northwest is a beautiful area with lots to do and see, and a strong collector car scene as well. I'm sure you'll enjoy your vacation here!

    early S # 2626
    '71 911T
    '05 BMW 330ci
    '22 Wills Sainte Claire
    '96 S10 truck

  3. #3
    Senior Member dirk07's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Stuttgart, Germany
    Many thanks John.

    Sounds good.
    Had been to Whistler back in 2006 to give lectures, so not that much time for activities. But will do this time.

    Looking for a good camper rental company. Booking from Germany is pretty expensive. We do not need the camper during our stay in Vancouver and in the US. Sounds like Vancouver transportation system is good and don't like to drive in Seattle with a long camper. In Portland we will visit long time friends and can you their house, pickup and trailer.

    Haven't found a rental company that offers pickup at Vancouver and return at Portland.
    We might take the train from Vancouver to Seattle and Seattle to Portland.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Victoria BC Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by dirk07 View Post
    Many thanks John.

    Sounds good.
    Had been to Whistler back in 2006 to give lectures, so not that much time for activities. But will do this time.

    Looking for a good camper rental company. Booking from Germany is pretty expensive. We do not need the camper during our stay in Vancouver and in the US. Sounds like Vancouver transportation system is good and don't like to drive in Seattle with a long camper. In Portland we will visit long time friends and can you their house, pickup and trailer.

    Haven't found a rental company that offers pickup at Vancouver and return at Portland.
    We might take the train from Vancouver to Seattle and Seattle to Portland.
    Hi Dirk,
    I'll check with one of my co-workers about camper rental... He has knowledge on that topic, I don't.

    I will send you a PM next week.



    early S # 2626
    '71 911T
    '05 BMW 330ci
    '22 Wills Sainte Claire
    '96 S10 truck

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