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Thread: Southern California fires

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  1. #40
    Early S Reg #1395 LongRanger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    California High Desert

    On the Subject of Dams

    Quote Originally Posted by 62S-R-S View Post
    . . . An event that defies belief. Unrelated, for browsing, water management in Ca . . .
    One of the consequences of building any dam is the build-up of silt behind it. Over time, that accumulation will overwhelm the dam and fill any space behind it

    From reading this account, it sounds like the process of taking down any dam requires something more than simply removing it. Sounds like we need some practice, too

    I'm sure the fish-kills and all the muck left behind are unsettling. But I also believe any negative effects are temporary. That 'muck' is probably about the best fertilizer you can imagine --- as anyone who's farmed in an alluvial plain will tell you. And once the river has a chance to re-establish it's course, the water will clean out the channel soon enough

    And I'm sure it's more than heart-breaking to see the mess, right now --- especially with the wildlife

    But come back in a year's time

    The best thing we can do? . . .

    . . . is to get out of the way and let nature takes its course

    All we have to do is look at Mt St Helens to see how it'll turn out

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    Last edited by LongRanger; 01-09-2025 at 08:41 AM.

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