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Thread: Original, unrestored Recaro sport seats for LWB 911

  1. #1

    Original, unrestored Recaro sport seats for LWB 911

    *SOLD* Genuine Recaro sport seats for early LWB 911 in original, unrestored condition. Original leather with minor blemishes. Original Recaro, driver and passenger bases and sliders included - see comments. Please inquire for more details. Call or text (206) 910-3810 IMG_2602.jpgIMG_2606.jpgIMG_2624.jpgIMG_2625.jpgIMG_2614.jpgIMG_2615.jpg
    Last edited by prhageman; 01-27-2025 at 09:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Wow! Very very pretty seats.

    Can you make some detailed pictures of the perforated seating? Very rare in such a good condition.

    It looks like one tilting frame is a double locker (1973) frame the other one a single locker? Maybe 1972?

    Good luck with the sale a very fair price IMO.

  3. #3
    Agree with 911E fan the double locker one is a mid late 73 frame so not correct, original bases.

    If seats are original I would say neither frame is original to the seats.

    What's with the air pump on one of the seats pretty sure they didn't have that as an original option?
    Last edited by BOYER73S; 01-14-2025 at 02:55 PM.
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

    Early S Registry Member #294
    First Aussie R Gruppe Member #366
    TYP 901 Register Inc #6

  4. #4
    Righteous Indignation 70SATMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Santa Cruz, CA
    The perforated sections,,,, A little too perforated?? Just an impression of such.
    “Electricity is really just organized lightning”

    -Dusty 70S Coupe
    -S Registry #586

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 70SATMan View Post
    The perforated sections,,,, A little too perforated??
    I agree .

  6. #6
    Thanks all for the comments.

    I hadn't even noticed the bases were mismatched and I did source them separately, so that explains it. I know a double locker is rarer, but at least this way it's all complete, so prefer to sell exactly as pictured.

    I'll add two more photo of the perforated sections. They're definitely original - and remember, it's leather, not vinyl so they're different. The gold car behind the seats is a 2.2S with original, unrestored leather Sport Seats and it's the same perforation.

    At some point, I think the driver bottom cushion was restuffed and my guess is that's when they added the bladder to adjust the firmness of it.

  7. #7

    Seems that top part of the perforated inserts of the backrest is not perforated…..seems bolster material!?

  8. #8
    Senior Member beh911's Avatar
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    Aug 2009
    So these really aren't original and unrestored as the title suggests.
    But they are nice
    1969 S Coupe #761
    Early S Registry #1624

  9. #9
    @BartdeBruijn - the perforation is simply a texture stamped into the leather, it is quite a bit different from vinyl seats. And leather seats never have (as far as I've seen) perforated bolsters. So plain leather everywhere except the inserts, and the inserts have this stamped leather.

    @beh911 - They've had some minor repair work, but they are not only genuine original Recaros, but original leather as well. So original and unrestored seems a pretty honest description of them. Considering most on the market are restored/recovered or reproductions, not really sure how else I should be describing them?

  10. #10
    Think everyone assumes frames also
    match the description of original which they do not
    Clyde Boyer

    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed
    1973 2.4E Coupe RHD Aussie 5 speed my first ever 911 (1995)

    Early S Registry Member #294
    First Aussie R Gruppe Member #366
    TYP 901 Register Inc #6

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