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Thread: 2025 LA Lit Meet

  1. #1
    Senior Member Per Schroeder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Avon Lake, Ohio

    2025 LA Lit Meet

    We are about 5 weeks out from the 41st Annual LA Lit and Toy Show. I'm pretty happy about the vendor registrations we have received thus far. We don't foresee any major disruption from the fires to any of the related events or the shop tours (we've been getting asked about this)

    The vendor registration 'deadline' is February 7th. I accept registrations much later--but that's the point where I start moving people around and placing new get your forms in sooner rather than later!
    Per Schroeder

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Orange County, CA & Tucson, AZ
    looking forward to it! i was wondering if the fires would impact...

    Early 911S Registry Member #4087
    Instagram: @myflat6

    '72T hotrod 210 0228
    '82SC Targa
    '97C4S (sold - and regretting it)

  3. #3
    Can't wait.
    Went last year, but the swap meet was cancelled due to flooding.
    Even with all the fires, this year sounds like it will go on without a hiccup.
    Signed up for the shop tours on both Friday and Saturday...they were awesome last year.
    2022 Carrera 4S Oslo Blue
    1989 Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
    1973.5 911T

  4. #4
    I would like to partner with someone that is going to be a vendor. I have a stack of Porsche related books taking up 3 feet of shelf. Everything from the little spec books, the red book, CMA, UpFixin', Bruce Anderson (sen?) 3 Bentleys and more. If I go hunting I will find even more that I haven't seen in 20 years.
    I will sell as a lot or split proceeds. You pick up in Long Beach CA and do the show.
    Please message or email me from here if interested. I will get some pics in the next few days along with a more complete list.

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