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Thread: Pumping Gas

  1. #1

    Pumping Gas

    So, I went to fill up the car and Gas Pump would not pump the gas. I had the problem a while back, put just giggle the nozzle a bit to find the right spot and the gas pumped. I'm guessing this has to be due to newer nozzles requiring better fit to avoid fumes and spillage. But??? Any suggestions? Is there some type of seal being created??? Need suggestions. If the question has been asked and responded before, let me know where I can find a solution. Thanks

  2. #2
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    There are some new pumps, mainly I’ve seen them in California, with a collar around where the pump meets with car. The collar is intended to create a seal between the pump and the filler neck. But my 911’s just don’t mate well. The angle is all wrong. I’ve been able to pull up on the collar to get fuel flowing. After that, I can let go and the tank fills without any drama
    looking for 1972 911t motor XR584, S/N 6121622

  3. #3
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    Not sure where you are located, but in CA we've been dealing with this for over 20 years...

    I modified and hollowed out a urethane jack pad and and have been using it every fill up ....

    Hope this helps...

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    Chuck Miller
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  4. #4
    Senior Member 62S-R-S's Avatar
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    At one time, there were tweaks done, without the driver standing on his head to facilitate the flow. This seems to convert the pump to an almost constant problem, for all consumers. There may be a subtle message to the driver, that gas cars hurt the environment..

    Like the urethane. Can also try approx 2" diameter rubber hose.. cut a short length, and the pump will flow a little better.

  5. #5
    Thanks the tip Chuck. I came back to the States to check up on my cars for a few weeks, wanted to get in a drive but getting filled up prevented that. Kirk

  6. #6
    I daily drove my 67 912 all summer around LA and OC and occasionally found a pump where I needed to hold it at an odd angle to get it to start pumping and engage the latch mechanism but then it would almost always keep pumping until full. Has been more of an annoyance than a problem for me.

  7. #7
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    I daily drove my 67 912 all summer around LA and OC and occasionally found a pump where I needed to hold it at an odd angle to get it to start pumping and engage the latch mechanism but then it would almost always keep pumping until full. Has been more of an annoyance than a problem for me.
    You're right Bell, they compromised about 10 years ago to a system that MOSTLY works without intervention... However I have run into when it doesn't work... So, to keep my frustration level low, I still use my 'doughnut' every time...
    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

    TYP901 #62
    '73S cpe #1099 - Matched # 2.7/9.5 RS spec rebuild
    '67 Malibu 327 spt cpe - Period 350 Rebuild

    ’98 Chevy S-10 – Utility
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  8. #8
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    Living in Oklahoma has some advantages!

  9. #9
    Thanks everyone. Finally was able to pump some gas. Made a gasket as suggested, from a $4 Dent Removal suction tool that i got from Harbor Freight. Black Rubber was the perfect size, just needed a bit of cutting.Name:  dent.jpg
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    Last edited by kys911t; Yesterday at 05:59 PM.

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