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Thread: Rally Radio?

  1. #1

    Rally Radio?

    Here goes a picture attempt. If none shows up follow have a look at the links:

    What you will see is the underside of the factory Blaupunkt radio. This is a two section radio. On the back of the rearmost pod one board is attached.

    <a href=****inson/rearpod.JPG >rear pod</a>****inson/rearpod.JPG

    Then on the underside of the front/main box there is another added circuit board.

    <a href=****inson/under.JPG>underside</a>****inson/under.JPG
    Have any of you got an idea about this modification? There are two 1/4 inch jacks in the dash (Driver/Navigator?) and a roof mounted antenna. The radio powers up but I am unable to tune in much at all. What were the typical broadcast frequencies for the old rally events? This is fron car number 306903S who still sits on michelin tube type radials.

    Still puzzled. Anyone care to chime in?

    Thanks in advance;

    Mark ****inson
    from (cold in) Calgary, Alberta

  2. #2
    Roland Kunz



    never seen that in europe, also looks like some wireloom was cut away, maybe a remote mike ?


  3. #3

    Re: ##

    Thanks Roland. It is quite likely a North American mod since the car was likely raced in Eastern Canada and the North Eastern USA. I'm trying to track down the next of kin (car changed hands at an estate sale) so I can learn a bit more of the cars history.


    Mark ****inson
    Calgary, Alberta

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