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Thread: matching numbers, how do you know?

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  1. #1

    matching numbers, how do you know?

    I was told a 911 S was a matching numbers car. I have the numbers for the body and the engine. Without the Certificate of Authenticity, how do you really know the numbers match?

  2. #2
    Chuck Miller

    matching numbers, how do you know?

    The short answer to your question is ... YOU CAN'T

    After you checked if the engine number falls within the production run of a specific given chassis number.
    (which you can do with the help of lots of available reference material) Then, all you can do to be more specific then that is to send for the Certificate of Authenticity.

    If you don't have the references feel free to post your chassis and engine number and we'll help you with the first step.


  3. #3
    I checked the numbers using the Red Book. The engine number does fall into the Chassis Serial No. production run.

  4. #4
    Roland Kunz

    matching numbers, how do you know?


    The factory unofficial knows the original # but will not direct give them out.

    But if you ask if that engine# and that trany# coresponding to that body# belong together to the VIN then you will get a yes or if the number isn´t correct they skip the number.

    Also the factory has traces via the dealer and knows when a engine or trany got changed on there waranty costs.


  5. #5

    Re: matching numbers, how do you know?


    Thanks for the help. Is there a way to do this quickly? I have sent for the Cert. of Authenticity for several cars. This can take several weeks, sending proof of ownership.
    I would like to confirm the matching numbers prior to purchase. The Cert. of Authenticity is not available. Is there a number, or e-mail, at the factory where this can be confirmed? Can the local Dealer do this for me, given all numbers from the body, motor, tranny, and VIN?


  6. #6


    I wouldn't want to comprimise anyones guess( which is basically what we are doing), but out of ALL the guesses to your very valid ??'s, I would opt for Chuck Millers. There were chassis, engines, seats, and tyres for S cars.Which exact car they went in, was then, not empiracle. Now @ Porsche, it's a whole different scenario. Back in the late 60's and early 70's, S chassis went with S motors, went with S suspension, made S's.

    Seriously, Chuck's on the right track... Would Porsche have the exact info you want ??Good luck....

  7. #7

    Re: Opining....

    Hey guys,
    On a somewhat related note, is there any way to trace a VIN to it's original license plate number (either domestic or foreign)? Sounds like a tall order to me.

    Early 911S Registry web

  8. #8


    You're a funny guy Sherwood.....Also, very bright !!!

  9. #9

    Re: :)

    Curtis, actually I was being serious (one of my rare moments).

    My cousin has a bunch of early ('73-'74) foreign license plates (some "S") with VIN numbers attached (purportedly from Vasek's early gray market days). Is there any (convenient) way to substantiate these plates were issued for a certain VIN? Might be valuable to the current owner if documentation exists.


  10. #10
    Roland Kunz

    Re: matching numbers, how do you know?


    OK within germany you can call Porsche classic or a other department and try to get the information. It was easier in the time when Porsche was runing the Company

    Just try it caling 0711 911 0 and ask to connect to Mr. Wüst or to Porsche classic.

    You must have the # on hand. They only say yes or no.
    And you have to give them some time as the database is still not "computorized".

    But I usually make it a other way. If someone says the # match I let this guy proff it and as long he has no proof i skip on that and if it later showed up that the ' had been correct it was a nice deal and if not it doesn´t hurt the value.

    If the car still has the original german "brown book" title or delivery sticker you will find the engine# and trany# in them.


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