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Thread: 72 911 gas tank removal---help!?

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  1. #1

    72 911 gas tank removal---help!?

    Please excuse my ignorance as I am new at this, but I need some help with the removal of the fuel tank on my 72 911T that I am prepping for club racing. My '76 targa has the three clamps with the allen bolts, but the tank in the 72 appears to have no clamps at all. Am I missing something here?

  2. #2
    Roland Kunz

    have no clamps at all


    I would say someone forget them. 72 are the gray plastic covered clamps. You shoud see where they sat and the M8 bolt hole in the body.

    The tank sits on "Süproband" with will stick and glue after all the years.

    It could be that you had a plastic tank fittet with uses other clamps in other positions and so some turkey didn´t made a good job.


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