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Thread: Leather Interior options for 73 2.4S Targa

  1. #1

    Leather Interior options for 73 2.4S Targa

    Can someone help a poor Australian cousin by advising me on
    factory options for leather interior trim. Which parts stayed as vinyl or is it only the front seats that were done as a leather option. Stoddards list leather retrim kits but I suspect that much of this trim was never available from the factory.

  2. #2

    Leather Interior options for 73 2.4S Targa

    I have a 73"S" coupe and everything but the dash top is leather, but the rest is factory original and leather. This car is a coupe with power windows and I am not sure if there was a specific combination of options that were commonly offered that differed between the two. I know that the targa's were not offered with power windows as an option. I also know that the seats, regardless of if they were sport or lowback, were offered in leather. I would also suspect the rear compartment probably was as well. The only spot I am unclear on is the door panels.

    Hope this helps!


  3. #3

    73S Leather Interior

    My 73S Targa is black with a red leather interior. Almost every thing is leather-even the dash facing is red leather. Most trim parts are black vinyl- knee bolsters, door pockets and arm rests, upper door trim, rear seat area upper trim, trim along inside bottom edge of rear glass and of course the dash top. The flat door panels are red leather. Hope this helps.

  4. #4

    73S Leather interior

    It would be great if you could post some pictures of your interior. A picture is worth a thousand words....

  5. #5
    CBOYER...this for you. I sent Mike Gillies (Brisbane) a set of photos of my '72S with factory leather interior. I don't have a scanner here, but I know he has one. He'd probably be willing to scan & e mail interior shots to you. Pretty easy to figure out what's leather, what's not, because my car is light tan leather interior. The light tan is the leather, the black is the plastic. Mike's e mail can be found in any recent issue of the registry newsletter.

  6. #6
    Oh...if Mike would care to post the interior shots here, that's okay with me...but keep in mind, my car a '72, the question was on a '73. As far as I know they were close to identical, if not identical.

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