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Thread: t to e conversion question

  1. #1

    t to e conversion question

    yo , first post. i have a 2.4 t w/88k and i need a little more umph. what size intake stacks do i need to convert to e specs. i need more torque than peek hp. should i get my heads extrude honed/ ported or buy e heads.
    always had 914's for the past 20 years, then got to drive a 930 late one night at terminal velocity on i-40 at the tn / nc line. got the fever, the older the better.
    72 911t * 74 914 2.0

  2. #2
    You need a lot more than the MFI intake stacks. You will also need the "E" cams, pistons, MFI pump, etc.
    Kurt V
    '86 Carrera
    Formerly '72E
    GruppeB #000

  3. #3
    thanks for the reply kurt. how does the 86 compare to the 72 you had? i know i will need all of those things. my mfi pump can be recalibrated. throttle plates bored and rebuilt. the heads can be ported. cams and pistons/cylinders are available. i just need to know the size of the intake runners need to be so i can start stock pilling parts. the plastic stacks are to small and cannot be "machined". i promise to keep it below 6000 rpm. promise.
    72 911t * 74 914 2.0

  4. #4
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Check out this thread on the PP board
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Neunelfer's Avatar
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    Stacks Can be Bored


    Your stacks "can" be bored by the same guy who can bore your throttle bodies. (that's what I was told).

    So... while you're in there spending all that money on pistons and heads you might as well kick it up a notch and make yourself a nice 2.7 RS style package for the pocket change you might have left over

    My $.02
    Eric - Sandy, Utah
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  6. #6
    You need all of the obvious stuff like cams, pump, pistons and cylinders. As for the intake system, the E was as different from the T mfi cars as it was from the S. The plastic intake stacks cannot be properly bored like metal ones, you will need the ones with the casting number 911.110.314.1R on the side of the stacks. Your current ones have a 911.110.316.1R number and are too small. The top openings are 40mm and the bottoms are 32mm, as compared to 35 and 28 with the T stacks. Throttle valves all have the 38mm butterflys but the bottom opening needs to be 32mm instead of about 28mm as with the T mfi. As for the heads only the intake side needs to be bored from 28mm to 32mm the exhaust is the same as the E at 32mm. If you have trouble locating the stacks let me know. The 2.4 E is a wonderful machine one of my favorites and when properly set up is quicker that the 2.4S at any speeds under 90mph. I have both cars to compare.

  7. #7

    What to do with a 2.4 T

    I'm trying to find out some of the same information. I have a '72 2.4 T with the original (tired but running and complete) MFI engine. I also have a '73.5 2.4 T CIS long block (7R cases) that I can contribute to this project.

    The 2.7RS piston & cylinder sets are a lot cheaper than 2.4s, and I wouldn't mind some additional power. What I think I want is to bore out the later cases for the 2.7s using my stock T heads and throttle bodies, E cams or something similar, and whatever work the MFI pump needs to make this happen.

    The real question before I go too far down the road: is this just a bad idea? I know it won't be an S/RS clone with the T intake, but I don't really want an S type of power curve. This will be a weekend car with a few DE events thrown in. I know this has been done, and people who have done it like the result. Just looking for a few more opinions.


    David Porter
    Glyndon MD

  8. #8
    Senior Member Neunelfer's Avatar
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    MFI Stacks...

    Years back there was an Excellence article on Craig Watkins car. He built an RS clone from a T and they detailed the task. The engine was interesting because he built a standard RS spec. engine but kept the smaller stacks. He mentioned better low-end torque (I believe). Maybe Herr Schmidt can weigh in on this. Or you can check with Craig... (isn't he with the Racers Group now???)

    The pump mod will probably cost around $1,200 to $1,300. Factor that into your wish list. Other than that, I have no experience with that engine so I'm afraid I'm of little help. Sorry David.

    I'm also questioning the stacks. I'll need the S-stacks (mine are off a 2.4T system) but when speaking with Harry Bieker he mentioned he has an associate that has developed a way of boring out the plastic stacks. Schmidt, you mentioned above, this can't be done. Is there a specific reason it can't (or shouldn't) be done or is it that it hasn't been done in the past? If I need to get new stacks I'll do that, just wondered...
    Eric - Sandy, Utah
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